Welcome back rangers! What a wonderful weekend, I had a blast playing at Gamer Geeks in Warrior Alabama! They hosted a 1k get to learn 40K event using the new 10th edition rule set. After three games I achieved victory in each match, and scored enough points to win the tournament!

What a rush it was, the rule set is fantastic! There are a lot of little things we picked up and a few things that I have been doing wrong! You have to be in turn two for rapid ingress to work on flyers, that’s why we take our time to play test. So lessons learned, and moving onto 2k now, I think our little group of gamers is going to be in a really good spot when we start doing bigger events.

I will do an individual write up of each match I played, and try and give some feedback to where I could have made different choices. For this post I’m just going to talk about the event, and how I felt my list handled. Then on Friday I will close out the tournament recap with an idea of what my next list is going to look like and the thought process behind it. Again looking for feedback, and sharing all ways that we can improve!

Event Overall

My buddy Phil is the TO of these events, and he did a really good job on his first tournament. We ran with missions A,B, and C in the mission packet, and went with terrain layout 2 for all three games. I must say leaving my card packet at home was kind of frustrating. Also finding all the information about the missions is really hard over the internet. So I think I’m going to make some collections of cards and put them on one file so we just have those available for each table.

There was a wide variety of armies that showed up, lots of space marine chapters, Dark Angels being the most popular! Two Eldar players showed up as well as The Genestealer Cult, and we can’t forget about the multiple chaos armies that were in attendance. A tyranid and Necron player flushed out the rest of us and we all had a blast. 18 players all together, this was the largest event that we have run so far!

My three games were against Rich and his Death Company heavy Blood Angels! The second round I played against Mac, and his furious land raider redeemer with a big squad of blood claws with Ragnar. The final game was with Chance and his Dark Angles sniper squads with a Land Raider. I was very fortunate to have played three armies that my list could handle, the land raiders are very durable and with smoke launchers and armor of contempt, they sometimes just stay there.

List Review


There is a link to the list, I actually managed to play two play test games, which I had one posted. The other one was more or less payback, as I managed to lose all three ravager a on turn one. Ruins can be a bit tricky, but alas we learned. Let’s go over each unit and I will share how I thought they performed.

Lilith, I really want her to work, but every time I got her in position her attacks always bounced off of stuff. The best play I had with her was round one, I popped epic duel and had her assassinate Astroath, but other than that she can’t move much with ap 1 and one damage. Even with her million attacks, her ap isn’t enough to force failed saves. If she was ap 2 or damage 2 she would be reliable as a blender. I think she is a pass unless you run her with a squad of wyches, only because they get an okay buff for having her.

Wracks, these guys were a very close MVP squad, wracks in venoms are going to be a staple of this army. They just are so great at playing the mission, need to do an action? Here are two units that can do it, and do it in a position that will disrupt the enemy. All the different weapons they have make them really effective into almost anything you put them into. On top of that they give Pain Tokens when they die, so they really help us keep our opponents back, while generating resources we need to keep our damage output optimal.

Cronos, this little guy was my anchor pretty much all tournament. He gained his points back in the last round, where he sat in combat for 3 turns until he finally gave up. Holding the stern guard back really helped hold the victory in this game. The minus one to wound stratagem is really powerful if they don’t have a dedicated melee threat, this idea is what I am carrying forward.

Mandrakes, these guys are the MVP of the day, always being right where I need them is too valuable. With them bouncing back every turn to safety, then coming down to perform an action or flip an objective, that’s what these guys excel at. Never leave home without one, possibly two squads at 2k.

Ravager, these guys are always going to be my rock. They perform when they want to, but sometimes they just don’t want to do anything. With two great rounds of shooting, they almost cost me the game round three failing to kill the land raider until turn 3. These guys will remain a staple in our list and they always come through eventually.

Voidraven Bomber, man this thing is such a boogyman for marines. This thing if left alone will just pick up squads of marines. My last round saw it die since I couldn’t open the land raider up, and not being able to shoot outside of 12 is actually really good! If you can stick to the plan of clearing the battlefield for these guys, they will carry home the win with no issues.


With all that said, I had an absolute blast this weekend. It has left me with a lot to think about, but also a lot of good content to look forward to writing. I can’t stress how much I am enjoying writing again, and I hope that I can get as many people to come together and join our little community here. Looks like I will be hosting a tournament August 12th in Cullman Al, at the new gamer Geeks location, it will be another 1000 points match, aimed at newer players learning the game.

Keep an eye out for the upcoming break downs of the rounds. I am also working on a dry brushing article that will help people get their models painted. A faction focus on the Adeptus Custodes, is in the works, as well ask orks! I may take a vote on which faction to write next, so look forward to that as well. Lastly, I’m going to start writing competitive minded articles that will help players transition from learning to placing in tournaments.

Thanks for reading, make sure to follow the blog and leave any feedback down below. Stay classy Rangers
