Greetings Rangers, today we are gonna take a trip down memory lane, and revisit the times that you got into wargaming. This will be a homework assignment, it’s not hard just share in the comment section, what got you into wargaming.

I’ll start with mine, when I was a kid my dad was in the navy. If you were a military kid you know that means at some point you’re going to have to move away from where you are living at the moment. When our ascension day finally came by, our orders were to Balston Spa New York. If you haven’t heard of that place, you’re not alone, it was a small quiet town in Upstate New York. For the next four years of my young life I would experience the late 90s in a strange land.

When we got settled down and into our rental house with water that smelled like brimstone. I started making friends, being the new kid made me a natural attraction to the outcast, and unknowingly that’s where I went. I started hanging out with this kid Daniel, he introduced me to Pokémon and Diablo when we would have sleep overs. His older brother was really into marlyin Manson and nine inch nails, which was all new and wonderful. Because at this point the weirdest interest I had was Warcraft 2.

We moved a town over to Saratoga Springs, and here is where I met Kevin. The one kid who I would like to meet up with and thank for introducing me to 40K, and to a lesser extent a great appreciation of JRPGs. I remember going over to his house and seeing the table in the basement with the trees and buildings. His older brother and friends moving and rolling dice, it was interesting. But we weren’t included, yet we needed to get our armies.

Over the next year I did everything I could think of to earn that elder army I wanted so bad. Kevin would play the dark elder, so when we did play we had the most epic games we could think of. Once we did get to playing and had somewhat painted models, that’s when the dream had to end. Dad got orders back to Virginia, and just like that we were done.

I tried to get some people into it, but it didn’t take off until a few years later my neighbor would pick up necrons and we marched together into the competitive land of 5th edition 40K. The rest is history, hopefully we can share together on this blog.

That’s my story, please share your story below. Like the article and follow the blog, it helps!

Stay Classy Rangers